Not able to clear logo of wwfilterdialog form



  • Roy Woll

    Sorry I missed your question earlier. You can use the TwwFilterDialog's OnInitDialog event as follows.

      dialog.borderIcons:= dialog.bordericons - [biSystemMenu]

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  • Rajeev Kumar

    Hi Roy,
    Thanks for reply.

    After applying your code it removed logo, maximize,minimize and close button from top. But we need close button at top in the filter form as shown below.


    We are having one more issue, on Dev machine  Ok and cancel button having the icons present while on QA machine there is no icon displaying in OK and Cancel button.

    QA machine:

    Dev Machine:



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  • Roy Woll

    This is windows behavior when having a sizeable window.  It needs an icon to show it in the taskbar when minimized. If you don't want the icon and still want the x close button, you would have to set options.fdsizeable to false.

    As far as icons in your ok/cancel buttons, they will not appear when using the default windows style. If you want them to appear, you would need to turn off project options | application | manifest | Enable runtime themes

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