DBRichEdit Bold
I have a DBRichEdit on my form. If I enter a new note in bold and save it carries the bold setting to any new notes created. I have tried to turn off the bold in several places but am having no luck. What event of property would be the best place to turnoff bold for future notes unless the user wants to bold a specific text.
Thanks for the response. I figured it out last night. I was misunderstanding the use of the font style attributes. I ended up with this statement in the dbRichEditExit event:
if fsBold in dbmNotes.SelAttributes.Style then
dbmNotes.SelAttributes.Style:= dbmNotes.SelAttributes.Style-[fsBold]With this statement it all works great! I got caught up on the fact that font styles are boolean and kept trying to set it as such.
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