Java.lang.indexoutofboundsException firepower wwdatagrid



  • Roy Woll

    Please provide exact steps to reproduce.  I'm not able to reproduce your problem.

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  • 1) FdQuery with a valid table and data.

    2) wwgrid bind to this table.

    3) App started

    4) Text inserted in the grid without explicitly inserted record: error (video wrong.mp4)

    5) Text inserted with explicitly inserted record: ok (video good.mp4)

    I have two videos showing the steps...

    Where can I sen them to you?

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  • Roy Woll

    You can send to

    However a video is not helpful to reproduce your problem. A project is much better.

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  • I can send the project, but there is nothing special with this...

    I open the tables (sqlite) in the beginning, the wwwgrid is bound to one table.

    I did not do anything special. Every wwgrid is doing the same.

    I send the videos to the mail you wrote. Please let me know if you need something else.

    I am sending the project too...

    Thanks in advance....

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  • Project and videos sent....

    Thanks in advance...

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