InfoPower for 4k apps in 10.3 and 10.4
I'm running the latest InfoPower in 10.3.3 and I have a user reporting various display issues NOT specifically in the InfoPower components I use, which are mainly TwwDBLookupCombo, TwwDBGrid.
Before I try to address their needs in this VCL app, I'd like to be confident that once I do that, the InfoPower components will not goof up on 4k machines. I use 1stClass too so the same question would apply there and I'm guessing the answer is the same for both.
We're hoping to avoid having to migrate to FMX/FirePower just to handle 4k resolutions and various pixel densities because I have no idea how hard that will be, despite having built 2 FMX apps from scratch.
Is 4k support pretty solid in InfoPower and 1stClass now?
Thanks Roy. I would have guessed that this is the case, but it's nice to start off feeling a little more sure of it so that any 4k problems I encounter will be with some other components. The app has been in production at a major manufacturing company for a few years and it will be imperative to minimize digressions.
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