Showstopping performance issue with a TwwDBLookupCombo



  • Roy Woll

    Most likely you have OrderByDisplay set to true, and it is changing the index of the lookuptabla.   Changing the index name should be a fast operation, but perhaps it is slow with your driver. Try setting OrderByDisplay to false.

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  • Columbus Systems

    Giving it a try.  I'll let you know.

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  • Columbus Systems

    OK, I set the OrderByDisplay property to false for the control, did a full rebuild, and tested the dropdown.  I allowed the process to chew its cud for about a half an hour, at which point it finally unfroze.  Long story short, no dice.  Hindsight is 20/20, though - after our application had been staring at the sun for long enough, I recalled that the LookupTable dataset was just a heap table, and so since it has no indexes OrderByDisplay wasn't really applicable.  Thanks for the idea at least.  Anything else I might try?

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  • Roy Woll

    How many records in your lookuptable? If there is no index, it would have to sequentially search through to find the looked up record.  Unless you have a small lookup result, I would not do this.

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  • Columbus Systems

    Certainly the size of the table in question is contributing to the problem.  I've coded a workaround that seems to suffice in this case - a special filtering mechanism that reduces the rows the dataset returns down to a relatively small number, which seems to result in some tolerable performance.  It's kind of elaborate though, and I don't know how well the technique would serve in other instances.  Too bad OrderByDisplay didn't work - that would certainly have been a simple enough fix.

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