Closing Virtual Keyboard within wwMemoEdit on Android



  • Roy Woll

    FirePower does not control the keyboard as this is inside the FireMonkey android specific code for the TMemo. However you can close the keyboard by clicking the down arrow at the bottom right (at least it is on my android).

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  • Daniel Croghan

    Thanks Roy.

    My Galaxy does not have the down arrow (or any other key) that would close the keyboard when the wwMemoEdit has focus. There is a close arrow for the keyboard that is displayed when the wwEdit has focus though.  Is it possible to have a multiline wwEdit ?


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  • Roy Woll

    Can you update your Galaxy to a more recent version of the Android OS?

    The TwwEdit does not have any multi-line capabilities.

    You might check a FireMonkey forum and post there as I believe the same issue would exist for TMemo (which TwwMemo inherits from).

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