Odd issue with sfoSelectColumns not working as expected


1 comment

  • Jon Robertson

    It took quite a while, but I discovered the cause. Our application has Application.ModalPopupMode := pmAuto. TwwGridSelectColumnsForm has PopupMode set to pmNone. This causes the TreeView window to be destroyed and recreated without persisting the TreeView's items (nodes). Remy provides an excellent explanation in the StackOverflow link below.

    That link also includes a couple of solutions. Perhaps Roy could do some testing and implement one as a solution for InfoPower dialogs.

    I found a slightly easier solution that works for my issue. I added

    PopupMode := Application.ModalPopupMode;

    to the bottom of TwwGridSelectColumnsForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); This was part of Alexandre's solution. But this scenario does not appear to require overriding DoClose and broadcasting CM_DESTROYHANDLE.


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