Issues with an TwwDBRichEdit component
I'm in Delphi 10.4, and I use a TwwDBrichedit to show and edit some remarks on my software.
In every delphi page it's working, but for one and only one page, I have a malfunctions.
When I want to write something in the component with hexadecimal carachter (for exemple ALT + 0216 for the "diameter symbol"). It write me sometimes some chinese character or other special caracter, and each time the caracter change. Sometime, the right caracter comes.
You can see hier, an exemple OK, and an exemple KO. For the exemple i simply wrote 4 time "ALT + 0216".
If I wrote to you, it's because I made a lot of different test (copy the component from an other page, resetup the component completely, etc, etc.. but no solution !)
Do you have any tips for me ? Thanks for your answer.
Guillaume Harris
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