I have a string to search and an integer to return. Nombredelsitio is the string and sitio is the integer with the key for the dataset.
I do not need the returned value update another dataset. I just want to get the value, because I am going to use this to execute another process.
How do I get the returned value (this is an integer).
Thanks in advance.
If you are using it on mobile and it is dropping down, you can refer to the lookup value property after it closes up.
var val: strings;
val:= wwlookupcombozip.LookupValue;
If instead you are using the popup dialog then you can uses the OnCloseDialog event.
procedure TLookupDialogDemoForm.wwLookupComboZipCloseDialog(Sender: TObject;
LookupDialogForm: TwwLookupDialogForm; Accept: Boolean;
var CanClose: Boolean);
var val: string;
if Accept then
val:= fdzip.FieldByName('Zip').AsString;
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