TwwDBGrid backgound when using Styles
How to set the color for the background to a TwwDBGrid when using styles?
I'm using latest Infopower with Delphi 11.3 and working on getting the VCL TwwDBGrid component to look good under different themes.
Things work great so long as I set DisableThemes and DisableThemesInTitle to false and when setting standard colors such as clBtnFace in the code (e.g. in OnCalcCellColors), I've also found its important to use this function:
mycolor := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetSystemColor(clBtnFace);
My only issue so far is that I cannot work out how to set the background color surrounding the grid. It always seems to draw as the styled version of clBtnFace, but I'd like to use clWindow. I have set the parent container panel to clwindow but this does not seem to help. Any suggestions? I looked in the code (Wwdbigrd, Wwdbgrid) but could not see where this was set.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
Charlie Heaps
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