TwwDBGrid rows of varying height
It is possible to have rows with varying heights? I know about the RowHeightPercent property. I have a scenario where some rows should be "single row height" (RowHeightPercent 100), some double height (200), and others triple height (300). I don't think I want higher than 300 for any given row.
Unfortunately this is not supported. You can use cell hints if you wish for the user to move the mouse over a cell and show its contents (dgShowCellHint) in conjunction with using OnCreateHintWindow.
procedure TGridHintIniDemo.wwDBGrid1CreateHintWindow(Sender: TObject;
HintWindow: TwwGridHintWindow; AField: TField; R: TRect;
var WordWrap: Boolean; var MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer;
var DoDefault: Boolean);
WordWrap := True;
if (AField is TBlobField) then
MaxWidth := 100;
MaxHeight := Screen.Height;
end;The user can also resize the rows himself using dgRowResize.
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