What it the best way to use wwLookUpCombo in wwGrid?
I have a person table (p_id,p_name,p_address,s_id) and I would like to have a Combo to chose the Status (s_id, sname) from another table.
I was able to use the wwLookUpCombo but it still shows numbers and I would like to show the status names and let me choose from the list and change the s_id when chosen.
I set up the ControAttributes, LookUpField and even tried CustomControlPainting with no success.
Thank you in advance!
Here is a tutorial that may help you.
I still can not edit with the wwLookUpCombo, it only shows the list if I change the page/tab and let me choose only the first time. After I set a row/record and change then no list is shown until I refresh the form or change to another page/tab and back the page/tab with the wwDataGrid.
Any suggestions?
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