Grid and float fields



  • Roy Woll

    Exceptions generate a user message, so keep in mind that what you see with the debugger is more than what the user would see.  If you need to use a picture mask, you can try something like...


    Your current mask requires exactly two digits after the decimal point, so 1.1 is invalid based on this mask.



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  • David Craggs

    Hi Roy,

    Users have been getting exceptions, these have been captured by MadExcept and registered in our Mantis database.

    Want to stop this, hence using masks.

    What mask would I use if I wanted a fixed number of decimal places?


    Dave Craggs

    PS - I am following this thread, but didn't get an email when you posted.

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  • Roy Woll

    Not sure why I am not getting notifications on your posts.  

    Exceptions are a normal course of action in Delphi, and are not supposed to be avoided. I would think you can configure madexcept to not report all exceptions.

    The mask I provided


    allows for any number of digits after the decimal point. If you only want two you could change it to






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  • David Craggs

    That's better.



    PS - I did get a notification of this post.

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  • David Craggs

    Further to this, you can still paste invalid characters into these fields.

    Any way around this?


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