Questions on framing with controller
I am using Delphi XE 10.2. I have two questions:
- I get an access violation if I use ApplyFrame with a TwwController after setting any style (TStyleManager.SetStyle..) other than the default of 'Windows'. Is there any way around this? If I use ApplyFrame first, then change the style, it is OK.
- Is there any way to control the color of the frame border in a wwDBEdit or other control? Does it inherit from a parent control? Is there any event I can use to change it?
Thank you for the project. I do see a bug. I don't see a workaround, but you can modify our source in vcl.wwcommon.pas as follows. I will log this for future correction.
function wwIsCustomStyle(Control: TControl): boolean; begin // 5/4/2020 - TwwController is not TControl so don't call wwUseThemes if (Control = nil) or wwIsClass(Control, 'TwwController') then wwIsCustomStyle := TStyleManager.IsCustomStyleActive else wwIsCustomStyle := TStyleManager.IsCustomStyleActive and wwUseThemes(Control); end;
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