Questions on framing with controller



  • Roy Woll

    1. I cannot reproduce your access violation problem.  Can you email us a simple project with the problem?

    2. The borders are drawn by windows.  In what way do you wish to change them?  They are drawn in styles, i.e. sunken, box, etc. so it is not just one color.

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  • Steven Kant

    1. I will work on a simple project.

    2. I only want to change the color of the border line on a frame box. I realize that this is determined by the Windows theme. Is there any event that gives me access so I could change the color of the pen from the default?

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  • Steven Kant

    I have emailed a sample project for XE10.2. To get an error, just choose a style, then ApplyFraming. Is there a way to attach the project here?

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  • Roy Woll

    Thank you for the project. I do see a bug. I don't see a workaround, but you can modify our source in vcl.wwcommon.pas as follows. I will log this for future correction.

    function wwIsCustomStyle(Control: TControl): boolean;
     // 5/4/2020 - TwwController is not TControl so don't call wwUseThemes
      if (Control = nil) or wwIsClass(Control, 'TwwController') then
        wwIsCustomStyle := TStyleManager.IsCustomStyleActive
        wwIsCustomStyle := TStyleManager.IsCustomStyleActive and


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