Editting Time column in a TwwDataGrid
I am using FirePower 12.0 for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
I have a Time column in a TwwDataGrid.
In the Control Attributes of the Column I have configured the DateTime Attributes as wwDTEdtTime and wwdfShort. The display format is HH:MM. My data is coming from a DateTime field in SQL Server.
I am having what appears to be a 'focus' issue within the column. I can move to the various columns on the grid using the Arrow keys, tab control or Enter button and everything works just fine. However, when I use the mouse to click on the Time column, the column will highlight in 2 tone with either the 'hours' or the 'minutes' portion of the field highlighted in a darker colour.
When this happens, and I begin to key into the field, it defaults to the second digit of the field as the start position. As a result, if I want to key in 17:15 into the field, it puts the 1 in the second digit of the hour field and then overwrites the 1 with the 7 on my next keypress and moves to the 'minutes' column. I then have to use the arrow key to move back to the 'hours' column and everything then works fine.
If I use the arrow keys, tab or return keys the column is highlighted in 1 tone and everything works fine.
This only happens when I use the mouse to change to a different row. If I use the mouse to click on a time field on the active row, the selected hour or minutes field is highlighted and everything works fine.
Is there a property or attribute that I can set that eliminates this behavior?
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