Strange behavior in CustomEdit controls embedded in a TwwDBGrid . . .



  • Roy Woll

    Sorry, I missed your message earlier. We are not aware of flickering problems and cpu spikeage in our current versions. Delphi 10 is a little older so it is possible. I recall a problem with Rio where doublebuffered for the grid needed to be set to false to avoid flicker. Could this be your issue?

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  • Columbus Systems

    I'll experiment a little with it - see what comes up.  I'll let you know.

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  • Columbus Systems

    OK . . . your suggestion does seem to have some bearing on the matter.  But kind of in the opposite direction: it seems the DoubleBuffered property for the grid had never been set to True (seems not to have been a published property in Delphi 5), and wasn't set to True for the migrated code; however, now that I've set the grid's DoubleBuffered property to True in the migrated code, I'm not seeing the flickering or CPU spiking (not so far anyway).  If that's all there is to the fix, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth - but I am a little curious why it should be an issue.

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  • Roy Woll

    Actually I don't recommend doublebuffered as true, but not sure why it works for you.  I would retry when you update to more recent versions of InfoPower (such as for Sydney).

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  • Columbus Systems

    And I don't pretend to understand why the DoubleBuffered property should be linked to the problem at all.  But we do plan to upgrade to Sydney, so it might not be an issue long term.

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