

  • Roy Woll

    The count comes from the dataset. I don't think a filtered dataset always returns an accurate record count. You would have to generate some type of query to count the records or iterate through the records to get a count.

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  • Calvin Day

    I ended up using the OnAfterMenuFilter to create a "footer SQL query", using TwwFieldInfo items, that sums all the BCD (money) fields in the dataset to update the TwwDBGrid Footer

    This was a bit tricky since the existing SQL query had JOIN's and the filtered fields provided could be based on a field from a JOIN so I had to provide SUM(tablename.[field]) in both the SELECT and WHERE areas of the new query while keeping the FROM and JOINS intact.

    Once that was done, I created a similar simple (just the field name) "where clause" to set the filter on the dataset which provided access to the true RecNo and RecordCount.

    It was pretty involved but is quick and accurate.

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