Embedded Controls in RecordViewDlg
Delphi 11/Infopower 22.0.1
I have a form with 7 RecirdViewDlg components - all with various embedded controls. For 3 of the RecordViewDlg's the embedded components show up on the main form until the RecordViewDlg.Execute method is called.....then the control disappears from the main form and off course shows up in the record view dialog. One of the dialogs has only the one embedded control (dblookupcombo), the other two each have 7 embedded controls of which 3 display on the form (2 x dblookupcombo and 1 dbcombobox) until the execute method is called. Below is code from the .dfm file for one of the problem controls:
object NewSiteReqLU: TwwDBLookupCombo
Left = 108
Top = 211
Width = 121
Height = 21
CharCase = ecUpperCase
DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify
Selected.Strings = (
DataField = 'ACTIONID'
DataSource = BDMCentral_DM.EditReqSource
LookupTable = BDMCentral_DM.dsReqList
LookupField = 'ACTIONID'
TabOrder = 7
AutoDropDown = False
ShowButton = True
UseTFields = False
PreciseEditRegion = False
AllowClearKey = False
ShowMatchText = True
OnNotInList = NewSiteReqLUNotInList
Any advice would be appreciated
Thanks in advance.
Bill Zwirs
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