Weird behavior in wwLookUpComboEdit



  • Roy Woll

    Please provide more details so I can reproduce. I ran our maindemo in Delphi 11 and clicked on the LookupDialogDemo demo form in the "Searching and Filtering Section) and clicked on the lookupcombo. I dropped the list down, and then typed and it incrementally searches for me without crashing.

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  • Felix Castillo

    Please test not in the dropdown, but in the object directly.

    Clicking on the object, closing the dropdown, then press up/down in the keyboard for previous/next item and them it crashes

    Please run the FirePower Demo
    Searching and filtering
    Searching components
    Focus on Zip Lookup (Open then close the popup)
    Then press up/down on the keyboard and...CRASH!

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Roy Woll

    Thank you for the steps. We will ensure a fix in our next build of FirePower X2.

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