Weird behavior in wwLookUpComboEdit
Insert the component
Bind a datasource
Set Column(s) and LookupField
Then run...
- If you change items using mouse clicks or scrolling...FINE!
- If you use the keyboard to browse for items...CRASH!
Please help!
Please provide more details so I can reproduce. I ran our maindemo in Delphi 11 and clicked on the LookupDialogDemo demo form in the "Searching and Filtering Section) and clicked on the lookupcombo. I dropped the list down, and then typed and it incrementally searches for me without crashing.
Please test not in the dropdown, but in the object directly.
Clicking on the object, closing the dropdown, then press up/down in the keyboard for previous/next item and them it crashes
Please run the FirePower Demo
Searching and filtering
Searching components
Focus on Zip Lookup (Open then close the popup)
Then press up/down on the keyboard and...CRASH!Thank you in advance!
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