Peculiar behavior using the TwwExpandButton
I was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem with TwwExpandButton and hopefully has a solution.
I have three TwwDBGrid components where the second TwwDBGrid component is a child of the first and the third is a child of the second. (By child I mean it is displayed when a TwwExpandButton in the first grid is clicked and the second which is a TPanel with a TwwDBNavigator-TwwDBGid on the TPane is displayed. I refer to this as a child TwwDBGrid to cut down on my typing). When I insert or edit a row in the second grid and then click on the Post icon in the TwwDBNavigator, control is passed to the first TwwTwwExpandButton's BeforeCollapse event procedure. It then posts the correct row from the second TwwDBGrid and closes the second TwwDBGrid.
I experience the same problem with the second and third TwwDBGids.
I found the problem in a TDataModule, a different module than the module which appeared to be causing the problem. In a BeforePost event, I was performing a locate on a different TFDQuery component. This somehow caused the TwwExpandButton to launch a collapse action. I do not understand why this happened and can only express my confusion.
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