wwDBGrid not properly displaying selected rows with Checkbox



  • Daniel Croghan

    I have updated the InfoPower to version and the problem still exists.

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  • Daniel Croghan

    More details:

    1) using FireDac queries tied to MS SQL Server Views

    2) If Filter is applied (using the "Filter property and Filtered) and then removed.

    3) manually Selecting records that required the user to scroll the grid on to a subsequent "page" of data.  For example, the grid shows 40 rows on the screen at one time, if the user was required to scroll onto the second screen's worth of data to select the record.

    If the user then scrolls up and down and tries to see all the selected rows, some are not showing a checkmark.  HOWEVER, if a filter is applied to the grid's datasource, the checkbox DOES appear on the selected records.  

    Thanks for any help or ideas you may have.


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