wwDBGrid title color



  • Howard Fox

    Should have mentioned that the wwDBGrid.TitleFont.Color sets and displays fine. Odd.

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  • Roy Woll

    Your project is likely built with themes so the default theme overrides the coloring. If you wish to disable themes just for the grid, you can set DisableThemesInTitle to false. You can also set DisableThemes to false if you also wish to affect the data area.

    Finally you can look at your project settings and entirely disable themes if you want.

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  • Howard Fox


    Sheesh! That's embarrassing. :(

    Before I retired, I coded applications that used dozens of wwDBGrids. Either I've forgotten WAY more than I thought or there's a bunch of new properties for newer versions of Windows. It's probably the former (and that's not good). I'm afraid to think how long it's going to take to catch back up.

    Sorry for taking up your time, but thanks very much.

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  • Roy Woll

    Just to clarify, DisableThemesInTitle and DisableThemes are properties of TwwDBGrid.

    Project | Options | Application | Manifest is where you can disable themes in your project.


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  • Howard Fox

    Got it. Thanks again, Roy.

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