TwwDBGrid IniAttributes and column order persistence
I have a form that has 7 TWWDBGrid components each of which has its InitAttributes set as follows:
CheckNewFields = False
Delimiter = ;;
Enabled = True
FileName = [each uniquely named]
IgnoreTitles = False
SavetoRegistry = True
SectionName = {common name for all]
UnicodeIniFile = False
The issue I am am having is that the changes that are made to column order of the grids are not persistent between freeing and recreating the the form.
I have even resorted to forcing LoadFromIniFile in the FormCreate and SaveToIniFile in the FormCloseQuery.
This is problem is very inconsistent in that, for the same user, the column orders sometimes save correctly for some of the grids and not at other times.
The issue most often occurs when the app is on RDP servers.
All help to resolve this will be appreciated.
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