wwDBGrid settings to dynamically display view columns



  • Roy Woll

    CheckNewFields is designed to add new fields that were previously not there.  You would need usetfields=false.  Not sure why it would not work in your case. You could try loading from the inifile yourself and then add the fields you want. Of course you would need to find a way to not do this on subsequent runs of your program.

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  • Daniel Croghan

    Thanks Roy.  I had the CheckNewFields set to true...  I did not mention that I already had the useTFields set to False, I also have the INIAttributes -> Enabled set to False.  

    Is there some other setting I should be using?  None of the "new" fields are showing up. 

    Are you suggesting that I could write the column settings to a Section in the INI file manually?  


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