Frontline Software

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Recent activity by Frontline Software Recent activity Votes
  • Right Click > Delete in TwwDBDateTimePicker

    We had a customer with a large amount of dates set to 12/30/1899 and then random times. After digging, we found that the user uses Right Click > Delete or CTRL + DEL to clear out the TwwDBDateTimeP...

  • TextHint with a TwwController

    XE3, Woll2Woll Place a TButton, TwwDBEdit, TwwController and a TDataSet down and hook them up.  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin  Table1.Open;  Table2.Insert;end; proce...

  • Updates for Windows 11 for XE3

    In reference to this thread (, is there any chance you can share information on how to fix...

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker against a String Field

    I know this sounds weird, but it's where we're at. We'd like to tie a TwwDBDateTimePicker to a String field. Some of it works, but there are a few pieces missing. 1. If the field is blank/null, we'...